Mary Maxim Craft Store Review
Mary Maxim Craft Store is a mail-order company that specializes in selling crafts, yarns, knitting and crochet kits and other hobby-related supplies. They are currently based out of Port Huron, MI and have an office in Paris ON Canada.
Their website allows consumers to access their online account and order history through a secure login. Consumers can also contact customer service representatives via email or by phone to discuss any concerns or issues that they may have with their purchase.
Mary Maxim Craft Store: Your One-Stop Shop for Creativity
Mary Maxim is one of the largest privately held craft and needlework mail-order companies in North America. It has been in business for over 65 years and presently operates an internet retail store, catalog sales, and a call center from their corporate headquarters located at 2001 Holland Ave, Port Huron, MI 48060, United States. Founded by Willard and Olive McPhedrain, the company was originally named Spinwell Products and later changed its name to Mary Maxim after a daughter of a former employee. Mary Maxim currently employs over 850 employees across the nation. Their company was acquired in 2009 by Eileen Fisher, and is now a division of that brand. Their online and catalogue sales have grown substantially since then.