Parenting Tips
Cuddle Pixie Parenting Stories, no matter how well-intentioned they are, can be overloaded with information about the best way to raise their children. The most important thing is to keep your own perspective and trust your instincts. You know your child and your family best. If you follow these basic principles of consistency, communication, and respect, you’ll be able to navigate even the toughest parenting challenges.
Be a Role Model
Kids learn best from watching their parents. Do your best to set a positive example of appropriate, respectful behavior by putting down your phone and computers when you’re with your kids. Avoid arguing with your spouse or co-parent in front of them; it can make children feel unsafe and confused about how to handle conflict. Teach your children to be responsible by giving them regular chores and allowing them to choose some of their own activities (as long as they are safe).
Be a good listener when your children talk to you. It teaches them that you value what they have to say and it gives you an opportunity to guide their choices.
Be a role model for healthy living by eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Show your kids that caring for the environment is important by recycling, minimizing waste, and spending an afternoon picking up trash in the neighborhood. Let your kids help you cook and clean, and don’t be afraid to let them have some responsibility for the family finances by taking on household chores like budgeting or shopping.